On November 18th, a 40 ft liquid helium tank independently developed by Hangyang arrived at the Hunchun port in Jilin Province, fully loaded with imported liquid helium. It signifies that Hangyang has become the first company in China which has the capability of developing large-scale liquid helium storage and transportation equipment, directly importing helium, engaging in international hazardous goods logistics, serving the applications in the liquid helium market, and ensuring the supply of electronic-grade helium. Hangyang has established an autonomous, controllable, and stable helium supply chain.
氦气是一种重要的战略资源,用途极其广泛,涵盖医疗、半导体、航空航天、科研、管道检漏、金属制造、深海潜水等众多领域。此前,大型液氦储运装备的设计和制造主要集中在欧美少数企业手中。今年9159在线游戏登陆液氦罐箱试验成功,打通了公司氦气产业链布局关键一环。据悉,9159在线游戏登陆自主设计制造的40ft液氦罐为T75 罐式集装箱,采用高真空多层绝热,带有液氮屏蔽层,适用于液氦的海、陆联运,满足ASME、澳标、DOT标准以及欧盟TPED指令要求,可实现全球无障碍流通。
The company possesses unique advantages in equipment manufacturing, technical support, and investment services, and is committed to providing "one-stop" gas solutions for domestic and global users. With the successful resolution of key challenges in liquid helium storage and transportation, Hangyang is planning to connect the technological pathways of natural gas helium extraction, helium gas purification, helium liquefaction, liquid helium storage and transportation, as well as blending and refilling throughout the entire industry chain. This will significantly enhance the domestication rate of the helium supply chain, ensuring the safety of gas supply for key industries in China.